Address Change with CRA
It is your responsibility to let CRA know of any address changes as soon as possible. If you have recently moved, make sure to change your address with CRA. This will ensure you are receiving any important mail from them regarding your return, refunds, notice of assessments, etc. Of course make sure to let us here at Cahill CPA know of any address changes (as well as other important changes to your information that may impact your return, including: name change, change in marital status, new dependents, etc).
To change your address with CRA:
This is by far the fastest and most convenient way to change your address with CRA. Especially if you have already created an online account.
To create or log in to your existing online account, click the CRA Link here.
By Mail or Fax:
Fill out a change of address form, shortcut found here.
Mail the completed form to:
Canada Revenue Agency
9755 King George Boulevard
Surrey BC
V3T 5E1
Or Fax the completed form to: 604-689-7536
Or by phone:
Make sure to have all your necessary identification and information ready.
Call: 1-800-959-8281
When calling, make sure to have the following information ready:
- your social insurance number or business number;
- your name or business name;
- your complete address or complete business address;
- for individual accounts, your date of birth;
- for individual and trust accounts, details from your account or your most recently assessed return, notice of assessment, reassessment, or other tax document; and
- for business accounts, details from your business account or your most recently assessed business-related tax information return.
(Source: CRA website. Link)
As always, call us at our North Vancouver office to speak to one of our chartered accountants for more informaiton or to answer any questions you might have.
Cahil CPA 604-985-0123