When will I receive my refund?
Another great “frequently asked question” from our clients the past few weeks! If you are expecting a refund from your return, here’s some details about when and how you will receive your refund.
According to the Canada Revenue website, individuals should expect to receive their refund (or notice of assessment) within two weeks of receiving your return. Because we file your return online through CRA, this process is faster than the 8 weeks that it takes when you file a paper return.
Tip: When you sign up for direct deposit with CRA, you may even receive your refund faster.
To check the status of your refund, use Canada Revenue Agency “My Account” service (more details on our previous blog) or call the Telerefund number at 1-800-959-1956. If calling by phone, make sure to have all your necessary documents ready for security purposes:
- your social insurance number
- your month and year of birth
- the total income you entered on line 150 of your 2017 return (if you are calling before May 1)
- the total income you entered on line 150 of your 2018 return (if you are calling on or after May 1)
When your refund might take longer than 2 weeks:
If you are selected for a more detailed review or your return is not sent prior to the April 30th deadline, this process will take longer. Cahill CPA works closely with our clients and CRA to ensure that your return is completed correctly and filed promptly. If you have any questions about correspondence from CRA, please let us know.
When CRA might hold your refund:
- owe or are about to owe a balance
- have a garnishment order under the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act
- have certain other outstanding federal, provincial, or territorial government debts, such as student loans, employment insurance and social assistance benefit overpayments, immigration loans, and training allowance overpayments
- have any outstanding GST/HST returns from a sole proprietorship or partnership
- have a refund of $2 or less
How you will recieve your refund:
You will recieve your refund by mail, unless you have previously signed up for direct deposit through CRA.
Please remember:
- If you are receiving a refund, it will come approximately 2 weeks from when it has been FILED with CRA. So not necessarily 2 weeks from when you dropped off your documents to our office- we try to be as quick as possible during this busy season, but we do need time to ensure a correct, professional filing of your return.
- Not everyone receives a refund- although that would be nice! If you have any questions about why you owe money to CRA or why your refund is a different amount than you expected, our accountants would be happy to go over your return with you.
Source: Canada Revenue Agency Website “Refunds”