Our firm was recently added to the Canada CPA Firm Directory. You can access the information here:
CPA Firm Listing- Cahill Professional Accountants
With this listing you can find more information about some of the Vancouver industry sectors we handle, the services we offer, and the variety of languages spoken by our staff. Along with these services, below are some questions we have been asked lately about what we do here at Cahill Pro!
Frequently asked questions:
Q: I have a new, small business. Do you assist very small businesses just starting out?
A: Yes! We can provide bookkeeping services, as well as provide advice about what small business owners can claim at tax time.
Q: I oversee a non-profit charity organization in North Vancouver, and we are looking for some information for this upcoming tax deadline. Do you assist charities?
A: Yes! We have clients that are involved with not-for-profit and charitable organizations, and would be happy to assist you.
Q: I recently had a close relative pass away, and I am now in charge of their estate. Do you provide help with estates & trusts?
A: Yes! We can certainly provide advice and assistance with the dealing of estates, trusts and tax planning.